2020 will not be an easy year for us. I hope 2021 will be a better year. Over time, as more and more alternative websites are introduced, everyone has a better chance of winning online. More competitive, because now many people are more focused on making money online. Writers like you and me tend to make money online. Of course, Blogger is a good starting point. But as authors, we cannot always trust this platform.
Therefore, if you decide to write full-time, you should consider other freelance writing platforms. As a writer, I am always looking for excellent alternative sites for paid writing. If you are a Blog writer who wants to make some extra money, this article will help you. I have built some great websites that pay writers to write. If you want to make more money as a writer, here are eight great sites to pay attention to.
News Break is a news application developed by veteran Chinese media companies Jeff Zheng and Jerry Yang. This is a popular iPhone and Android application that collects local messages based on the user’s location.
You can apply to participate in their creative program and earn money as a writer. The subject used to write the message. Except for poems and novels, the rest period covers almost all themes. You can write about food, cooking, pets, hobbies, lifestyle, travel, entertainment, work, product reviews, etc.
Your article must be at least 1000 words in length. Break’s creator program, you must fill out this form. The form is very simple and takes 5-10 minutes. Approval may take 5 to 7 business days.
You can Earn $1000/month on NEWSBREAK
RankPay is a performance-based SEO service, but they have a blog program where they publish author’s original articles and pay for each article published on their blog program.
The topics of Write RankPay include SEO, content marketing strategies, social media tips, strategies and news. If you are an expert in these fields, then this website is for you.
Delivery rules: Here is how to submit your article to RankPay. They want unique, high-quality content. Your article must be free of plagiarism and contain more than 1000 words.
How much I will Earn on RankPay?
You will earn $50/post successfully published on RANKPAY
Copyhackers is a website dedicated to copywriting. They also have a blog website like RankPay. They publish their articles on their blogs and you can get paid.
You can submit your article through Copyhackers Website. If you are approved as a writer, they will email it to you within 5 days of receiving your request.
Vocal.media is a bit like media Like Medium, Vocal enables content creators to write articles and get paid. Your article can profit from the visits your article gets. Singing. Your article must be at least 600-700 words or more. You can also write poems; keep 100 to 150 words.
Vocal Media Pays you $3.8/ 1000 views. If you are PRO Member in Vocal Media, You will get $6/1000 views.
HubPages is a unique publishing platform and a community of authors and readers. HubPages pays you by assigning Google Adsense ads to your articles. Writing topics you can write anything on HubPages. But finding your niche and sticking to it is a good practice.
This way, you can build your audience very quickly because people will recognize you when they see your brand more often. Delivery suggestion It's very simple. You need to register and subscribe to monetization. Then you can write and publish your content.
BuzzFeed is a leading independent media company that provides news and entertainment services to hundreds of millions of people around the world. Your BuzzFeed reader is where they submit articles from authors like us.
The themes of cultural criticism, personal essays, novels and poems are required. You can submit a personal essay on any topic, such as food, travel, health, family, religion, sex, entertainment, etc.
Submission Guidelines: This article provides submission instructions. Your essay should contain 1,500 to 2,500 words of personal prose and 2,000 to 4,000 words of cultural criticism.
Payment: $0.2 to $0.25 per words.
The income diary was founded in 2005 by Michael Dunlop. The company first started as a graphic forum. It currently provides the best content for network entrepreneurs. They pay authors to write on their website. You can write articles about SEO, affiliate marketing, increasing traffic, building better websites, business consulting, and more. You have published many practical articles on these topics. Send them your contribution ideas. If they like your post, they will email you instructions to start writing for them.
Textbroker is another excellent service, charging 0.7 to 5 cents per word. You can write it yourself or collaborate with other writers on larger projects. First, you need to send a sample message, get a quote, and then select an item based on your quote. Please note that Textbroker only accepts authors from the United States.